Nestled at the foot of the picturesque Åreskutan, lies the remains of a quaint, bustling mining village called Fröå Gruva. The once thriving, mining settlement and surrounds has been beautifully preserved and provides a glimpse into Swedish heritage and the glory days of times gone by. These days the mining operations stand still and the […]
One of the best examples of ancient culture in Sweden can be found at the immaculately preserved rock carvings at Glösa. These carvings date back 6000 years and provide a glimpse into what life was like for hunters and gatherers of the Stone Age. Life for the clans folk is depicted with the importance of […]
The tourism industry is highly important to Jämtland Härjedalen – in fact it is the core industry. The first tourists who came here were hunters who visited some 8 000 years ago. They were followed by pilgrims, travelling salesmen called ’forbönder’, floral gents, air and spa guests, hunting lords and national romantics. Today we call the […]
Experience traditional Swedish Christmas in the historical setting of Jamtli´s open air museum in Östersund. Homemade delicacies and genuine handicraft makes Jamtli Christmas Market the perfect place to find Christmas gifts both for yourself and for someone you like. Jamtli Christmas Market gives the feel of a traditional market place – and it’s not a […]
When you travel in the borderland mountains between Jämtland and Tröndelag you can sense a certain brotherhood that dates way back. One thing that affected both regions on the swedish and the norwegian side was the war campaign in 1718-1719, which lead to a disastrous retreat for the swedes in the middle of a blizzard.
Few Swedes have tasted Sami food. Not even in Jämtland or Härjedalen, which is part of Sapmi, the region of the Sami people. Reindeer tenderloin with chanterelle mushrooms at an up-market restaurant is wonderful, without a doubt. But, until you have tasted blood pancake or reindeer broth with marrow, you haven’t even begun to explore […]
All camping sites in Jämtland Härjedalen, Sweden, are close to nature. The camping site in Hoting has a sand beach with a tower from the jetty for plunging into the lake. There is an accessible hiking path and you can go fishing. By the camping there is an exhibit showing the prehistory of the area […]
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