In the middle of the wilderness, far out into the nature, lies one of Jämtland Härjedalens most attractive, exotic, wild and exciting wilderness areas, the Sylarna mountain range – an impressive place for ski touring in Sweden. Rising way above its neighbouring peaks, like the guard tower of a majestic castle, the peak Storsylen (“Big Sylen”), standing at 1762 metres above sea level, imposes itself over the landscape. Names of its lesser peaked brethren, Slottet (“The Castle”), Tempeldalen (“The Valley of Temples”), Djävulskammen (“Devils Comb) add to the mythical like drama of the area, which is compounded by the deep snow filled valleys acting like corridors between the silent mountain slopes guarding over scenery. If all the elements fall into place, including the weather gods showing their kindness, a day out ski touring in Sylarna is as close to skiing heaven as it possibly comes.