The city Östersund is a reliable supplier of world premieres and a winter city to rely on for biathlon athletes from all over the world. On the other hand, it is not only snow that counts in Östersund, the proximity to everything of importance is a crucial factor for both competitors and audiences for maximum […]
The brave autumn sun reflecting in the water of lake Storsjön makes us squint. Paddling around an island like Norderön can be treacherours since it is always so exciting to see what´s behind the next headland. We are paddling out on lake Storsjön towards the sun. The fog comes and goes while the silhouettes of […]
Seen from a distance the Sonfjället mountain has the silhouette of a volcano. Beautifully shaped and surrounded by lush greenery. Climb the mountain or hike around it and look for bears, since this area, The Sonfjället National Park of Sweden, has quite a few brown bears. Do not miss the summer grazing farm, shieling, by the […]
Trumvallen is an old summer farm, a shieling, just a few kilometers from the Vemdalen Ski Area. The summer farm is a group of sun kissed log houses in different shades of grey with the beautiful backdrop of the Härjedalen mountains and pine forests. One of the houses holds a ranch where you can go […]
When Östersund’s Football Club (ÖFK) met Galatasaray in the Europe League 2017 the beloved provincial anthem of Jämtland was performed. Just like always when Östersund Football Club plays a match. Local supporter Elisabeth Rolandsson, who works as a guard during the matches, felt it was a shame that large parts of the audience did not understand the […]
On the border between the swedish provinces Dalarna and Härjedalen lies the idyllic mountain village of Lofsdalen. The name of the village was once “Lovsjungaredalen” (the valley of praise). A place which attracted settlers thanks to the beautiful location and good hunting and fishing possibilities. Today it is the mountain Hovärken with its ski slopes […]
Sweden’s northernmost runestone and the only one found in Jämtland Härjedalen is located on the island Frösön. It is the oldest document found in the region where “Jämtland” is mentioned. The rune stone tells about the way Östman Gudfast’s son let Christianize Jämtland and that he was able to build a bridge and raise the […]
The project ‘365 Everyday Adventures’ is Louise Östberg´s attempt at exploring whether the sum of many small adventures can match one great adventure.
An “Ölgås”, a wooden bowl with a bird neck handle, was used on festive occasions to pass around beer. Maybe the use of this festive bowl is the origin of the swedish expression “lagom” – to think about your fellow man and not use more than you have to, to be moderate. In Jämtland Härjedalen […]
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