The holy mountain Helags is the highest peak among the Swedish mountains south of the Arctic Circle and offers a lot more than just hiking. Helags is home to: Sweden’s southernmost glacier, 600m long and 50m deep, adorable Arctic foxes and some of the most breath-taking views of the panoramic mountainside. It’s an easy day […]
It’s quiet. And dark. The only sound is a distant dripping and the only thing I feel is a soft wind against my cheek. The world stands still until our guide starts speaking. We are in the so called Sandbädden (The Sand Bed), the first cave chamber included in the Korallgrottan cave tour, where […]
Experience the outdoor tastes of the edible country. Storlien and Bydalen are perfect places for experiencing Nordic outdoor gastronomy. Enhancing your experience in nature by spending a bit of extra time and effort on food is so worth it.
This scenic drive (or bike tour) gives you panoramic views of mountains and lakes as well as experiences from the cultural heritage of St Olov. Go from Järpen in the western part of Jämtland to Kall and around lake Kallsjön back again, or into Norway and back again along the mountain road Skalstugevägen towards the […]
We do not know exactly what lake Storsjöns bottom structure looks like, but we do know that the bedrock and the soils around the lake contribute to the fact that the lake has a high production of fish and is resistant to acidifying deposits. This could provide good conditions for an extraordinary animal, just like […]
Take any event calendar of the Swedish Region Jämtland Härjedalen and you will have difficulties to find days with nothing happening. This region is more than lakes, forests and mountains, the evidence is there in lists of summer events. Sweaty multisport activities and events with hunting and outdoor themes, but also cultural events attract long-distance […]
The brave autumn sun reflecting in the water of lake Storsjön makes us squint. Paddling around an island like Norderön can be treacherours since it is always so exciting to see what´s behind the next headland. We are paddling out on lake Storsjön towards the sun. The fog comes and goes while the silhouettes of […]
Strömsund is called a gateway to the wilderness and yet into a landscape clearly shaped through being part of Saepmie for centuries. Follow in my footsteps and fold westward to start your adventure into the area of Sweden, most dense with bears per square kilometres. Keep to the Vildmarksvägen road (the Wilderness Road) and make […]
Seen from a distance the Sonfjället mountain has the silhouette of a volcano. Beautifully shaped and surrounded by lush greenery. Climb the mountain or hike around it and look for bears, since this area, The Sonfjället National Park of Sweden, has quite a few brown bears. Do not miss the summer grazing farm, shieling, by the […]
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